Not in Jersey (@notinjersey)

Not in Jersey (@notinjersey)

My oldest is a junior in high school and is beginning the college search. Are we running behind schedule? Does she need to retake the ACT or take the SAT? How in the world will we afford her first choice school? Since I have no clue, tonight we're having our first meeting with an educational planner. And once we have it all figured out and she's actually leaving for college, I have this book to help - Miserable Mom: The Do's and Don't's of Sending Your Kid To College by Sharon Brecher. Thank you @miserablemoms and @suzyapprovedbooktours for my copy of the funny and helpful book!
Partly told in text and partly told in illustrated comics, Sharon Brecher shared her advice on how to help your kid leave home while stepping back and letting your kid grow. Just don't embarrass her, okay mom? Ok.
This would make a great gift for a parent with a graduating senior!