Lose Weight & Detoxify? The Juice Cleanse Fiasco
I know, I know, I’ve heard it before. Juice cleanses help you to lose weight, detoxify and they have many...
The F***ing College Counselor and Navigating My Emotions
“Are you applying to any schools out of state?”, the college counselor had the nerve to ask my son! The...
Losing Bailey: The Passing of Our Family Pet
How in the world can I put into words what it was like losing our Bailey? Our dog was pure...
Dinner with Friends: Navigating my Empty Nest Sensitivities
Our oldest is away at college and our youngest, a high school junior, is away with friends for a couple...
Oh Shit… I blinked! And the Kids Grew Up
I don’t know what happened but just yesterday my kids were little, and then I blinked, and now they’re not. ...