Lose Weight & Detoxify? The Juice Cleanse Fiasco
I know, I know, I’ve heard it before. Juice cleanses help you to lose weight, detoxify and they have many...

Where The F*** Are My Glasses? Mid-life Memory Lapses
I’m not sure when it started, maybe when I turned fifty? Or maybe it was in my late forties? Or...

The F***ing College Counselor and Navigating My Emotions
“Are you applying to any schools out of state?”, the college counselor had the nerve to ask my son! The...

Tried to Take a Time Out But No Escaping Busy Mom Life
Do you ever just need an actual day off? Some space away from the daily grind of work and errands...

The Kids Are Coming Home For the Fourth!
Oh, it’s on! The fourth of July is coming and both of our kids are coming home! That’s a big...

Losing Bailey: The Passing of Our Family Pet
How in the world can I put into words what it was like losing our Bailey? Our dog was pure...

It Was All Fun and Games Until My Beer Pong Hot Flash
Recently my husband and I visited our daughter at college for Family Weekend. Another glorious visit designed to make me...

Me Sensitive About Turning 50? As if! Navigating Midlife
I just bumped into an old friend. It was great seeing her! I haven’t seen her much lately since our...

My A**hole Magnifying Mirror: Exposing Midlife Insecurities
Who the hell invented the magnifying mirror?! I just got a more powerful one and am now aware of even...

It Began With Weight Watchers: The Quest for the Perfect Diet
Nowadays my daily eating/exercise routine is very different than it used to be. I try to eat healthy and workout...

Dinner with Friends: Navigating my Empty Nest Sensitivities
Our oldest is away at college and our youngest, a high school junior, is away with friends for a couple...

That Reminds Me. Time to Get a Mammogram Still Barbaric X-Ray
Mammograms are crucial! Of course, it’s important to look for early signs of breast cancer… that’s why I go every...